MWD Search Pro The WordPress plugin for the fastest AJAX search on your website

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MWD Search Pro is the WordPress plugin that revolutionizes your website search. If you’re looking for a powerful, user-friendly and ultra-fast search solution that integrates seamlessly into your WordPress website, then MWD Search Pro is for you.

Why MWD Search Pro?

In today’s digital world, search is a crucial factor for the user experience on any website. Visitors expect to find the information they are looking for quickly and easily. This is where MWD Search Pro stands out from other search solutions and offers a number of advantages that take your WordPress search to a new level.

Incredible speed

MWD Search Pro is the fastest AJAX search for WordPress that can be run locally on your web server. Thanks to our optimized index table and direct AJAX search queries, your visitors can enjoy search results almost in real time. While other search plugins search the entire WordPress or WooCommerce content and thus lose valuable time, MWD Search Pro focuses on the specially optimized index table. The result: lightning-fast search results without long loading times.

Versatility and flexibility

With MWD Search Pro you can search all post types that have been created in your WordPress installation. Whether posts, pages, products or user-defined post types – our plugin finds them all. Simply activate the desired post types in the settings, rebuild the index and all content will be included in the search results.

Individual customization options

The design of the search overlay can be fully adapted to the corporate identity (CI) of your website. You can change all colors and style elements as you wish via a user-friendly settings page in the backend. This ensures that the search overlay is seamlessly integrated into the design of your website and offers a uniform, professional appearance.

Integration of individual fields

With MWD Search Pro you can integrate user-defined fields into your search. Unlike the standard WordPress search, our plugin allows you to easily include all individual fields in the search index. Determine the priority of these fields using drag-and-drop and ensure that the most relevant content is displayed first.

Support for multilingualism with WPML

MWD Search Pro is fully compatible with WPML and offers an optimal search experience for multilingual websites. Our indexing covers all the languages of your website. By default, only the search results in the visitor’s respective language are displayed in the frontend, but you can also activate the option to display all results from all languages. This flexibility ensures that your visitors always find the information they are looking for, regardless of the language.

Learning and optimizing

Our plugin offers detailed statistics functions that help you understand the search habits of your visitors and optimize your content accordingly. Recognize the most common search terms and use the findings to make your website even more user-friendly. By analyzing search queries that do not produce any hits, you can fill in gaps or create synonyms to increase the relevance of the search results.

Simple installation and management

MWD Search Pro is easy to install and manage. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, you can easily adjust all settings without the need for programming knowledge. Our plugin integrates seamlessly into your WordPress environment and offers a powerful and flexible search solution that will delight your visitors.

MWD Search Pro is the WordPress plugin of choice for an ultra-fast, flexible and user-friendly search on your website. With its incredible speed, ability to search all post types and custom fields, and full integration with your website design and WPML, MWD Search Pro clearly stands out from other search solutions. Experience fast search for WordPress and improve the user experience on your website with MWD Search Pro.

You want to know exactly?

All the functions and advantages are listed in detail here.

Das Such-Overlay des MWD Search Pro WordPress-Plugins bevor eine Suche abgesetzt wurde
Search overlay
Give your content the space it deserves.
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Überblick der Statistik des WordPress AJAX Such-Plugins MWD Search Pro
Not just irrelevant numbers, but a very helpful tool for your online success.
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Screenshot einer Synonymsuche
Optimization of the website search with synonyms
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Suchergebnisse mit MWD Search Pro für Pooltechnik auf TomTut Webseite.
Setting priorities in the MWD Search Pro plugin
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Suchergebnisse von mit MWD Search Pro
Maximum speed with MWD Search Pro
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Post Types
Compatible with all post types
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Individual fields
Include all individual fields of your WordPress website in the search
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Gestaltung / Design-Anpassung von Such-Overlay
Adapt the search overlay completely to the CI of your website.
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ACF compatible
Optionally searches all fields that you have created via Adavanced Custom Fields.
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WPML compatible
Full compatibility with WPML for multilingual websites
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Suchergebnisse von Spider-Point
Live preview
Experience MWD Search Pro in action. The search function is used on these pages.
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